Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spring Semester 2011

Break is pretty much over! It’s hard to believe, but at the same time I am so ready for school to start again! This has been my longest break from school with no major projects since before high school and I have discovered that I do not do very well when I have nothing to do! I need activity and to-do lists and a schedule and rhythm. Starting tomorrow I’ll have that back. :)

These are the classes I’m taking this spring:

ASLI 1400 - Cross-cultural interpreting

ASLI 1420 - Consecutive interpreting

ASLI 1430 - Linguistics

ASLI 2020 - Intermediate ASL II (language class)

ASLI 2300 - Conversation II

It adds up to 15 credits. No, that’s not a typo! I had the option of taking Conversation II either this semester or this fall. After working out the rest of my schedule and looking at some of my long term goals earlier this week, I decided to take Conversation II this semester. Am I crazy to take this many intense credits? Maybe. But, what would a semester be without an 8 am class? I’ve had one (or two) 8 am days every semester so far, and it almost seemed traitorous to my morning-person self to not have to get up at 6 o’clock on any given school day. So here I am, with an insane schedule, one for which I will need to get to bed before 11 pm. :P

Overall, I’m really happy with the morning ITP schedule. I have classes back-to-back MWF and a half-hour break on TR. This is exactly what I had fall semester... but I then had a two hour break before my interpreting lab, then a two hour interpreting lab. This semester I still have a two hour lab, but no two hour break! That makes me happy, because I’m a fan of not being at school until 4 pm. I also start each day earlier. 9 am MW, 8:30 am TR then the already mentioned 8 am morning on F. I might be complaining about this come April, but now I’m really happy I can go to school, and be done with school early each day.

I think have all my books, purchased a fresh notebook, I just need to scratch some sharpie off two folders and relabel them for this semester’s classes. I’m so excited to start this next portion of my journey to my dream!

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