Saturday, February 12, 2011

Unit 22

Time is flying and we've finished five weeks of the semester already. The homework never stops, so I'm having trouble finding time to keep this blog updated!

In our language class, we've finished our first unit and thus have our end of unit video due this Tuesday. We also have a presentation due in 1420 and an interpretation of For the Birds due in 1400 on Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly why all my profs make everything due at the same time, but trying to get it all done is crazy! I did the end of unit video today just to get it out of my hair for the rest of the weekend. The unit dealt with money so our assignment was to find an article with tips or suggestions of how to better manage money, or one aspect of money. I found an article with Christmas shopping tips for my video. I wasn't supposed to interpret, so much as paraphrase the information. I stuck to the bolded points, but was pretty much on my own from there.

I recorded the video twice, then decided the second one was better. In an effort to not be a perfectionist this semester I think I'll stick to this technique. Two tries, then pick the best of the two. That way I can still feel that I did well but don't find myself recording 6 or 7 times in an effort to look perfect.

Video link:
Article link:

Aside from homework, I have started volunteering at the Deaf Center every Friday night. I man the front desk from 5 pm - 10 pm. It's a lot of time, but so worth it. Having that interaction, connection, and role at the Deaf Center is truly invaluable. There isn't a Deafaistan to which I can move for two years to truly learn ASL, so the Deaf Center is as close as I get. It's also going to look like one impressive Deaf activity at the end of the semester! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    I just got your comment on my blog and wasn't sure how else to respond (I would love to know how ppl put those comments on their blogs that can show replies!)...but I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Email me if you want
    love, Stacy


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