Saturday, February 12, 2011

Unit 22

Time is flying and we've finished five weeks of the semester already. The homework never stops, so I'm having trouble finding time to keep this blog updated!

In our language class, we've finished our first unit and thus have our end of unit video due this Tuesday. We also have a presentation due in 1420 and an interpretation of For the Birds due in 1400 on Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly why all my profs make everything due at the same time, but trying to get it all done is crazy! I did the end of unit video today just to get it out of my hair for the rest of the weekend. The unit dealt with money so our assignment was to find an article with tips or suggestions of how to better manage money, or one aspect of money. I found an article with Christmas shopping tips for my video. I wasn't supposed to interpret, so much as paraphrase the information. I stuck to the bolded points, but was pretty much on my own from there.

I recorded the video twice, then decided the second one was better. In an effort to not be a perfectionist this semester I think I'll stick to this technique. Two tries, then pick the best of the two. That way I can still feel that I did well but don't find myself recording 6 or 7 times in an effort to look perfect.

Video link:
Article link:

Aside from homework, I have started volunteering at the Deaf Center every Friday night. I man the front desk from 5 pm - 10 pm. It's a lot of time, but so worth it. Having that interaction, connection, and role at the Deaf Center is truly invaluable. There isn't a Deafaistan to which I can move for two years to truly learn ASL, so the Deaf Center is as close as I get. It's also going to look like one impressive Deaf activity at the end of the semester! ;)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Three weeks

The first three weeks of school are over. They have flown, but have also be perfectly insane. All of last weekend I had something not school related and thus I didn't do any homework for four days. I came back to school on Monday needing to do some catch-up work, and found that the professors were into full-homework mode! It seems that the homework this semester has less busywork, which is a blessing, but also means that every assignment is important and none can be faked!

I didn't post anything about the terminology paper because everything was so crazy, and because I got out of the habit of posting here over break! For the terminology paper I had to survey 5 people and ask them their perspectives on 8 different words connected to the Deaf-World. I then had to write a 4 page paper summarizing my thoughts and reactions to the survey answers. The project wound up working out, though a few times it was a giant headache. On the basic level, though, I can talk to people and I can write a paper. The assignment was interesting, but didn't require any skills I don't already have.

The next huge project, however, has been a very different story! On Tuesday we were given a video tape to watch and gloss. Glossing is the invented way of writing ASL with English words and symbols. ASL has no written form, but for the sake of study hearing people have come up with a system of writing it anyway. Well, this clip was a grand total of 59 seconds long but took around 4 hours to gloss. Catching every facial expression, figuring out how to write down and describe every classifier, needing to understand all the fingerspelling. The assignment isn't due until Tuesday, but I finished it last night out of a desire to just finish the thing! The rest of my classmates are having the same difficulty and annoyance with the project. It doesn't really help to know we'll be glossing more throughout the rest of the semester. I think we'll mostly be glossing our own work, however, and that should be somewhat easier as we know what we signed!

We had our first interpreting lab on Wednesday and I'm happy with how it went. The teacher seems nice and reasonable and it was good to get back to working with the equipment and interpreting again. We interpreted a short clip we had seen before and I feel I did a good job! It is so invigorating to listen to my own voice interpreting and think it sounds decent! I feel the wheels of interpreting in my head are finally starting to turn.

I just finished recording for the first time this semester! For consecutive interpreting we have to find 2 words or phrases each week which we don't know how to interpret then bring them to class and figure out, together, how we would turn one of the words/phrases into ASL. We then have to record each word/phrase that everyone shared. That's a total of 7 words a week for 11 weeks which we turn in all together at the end of the semester. I didn't record last week because of the other activity that was going on, so I did 14 words today. Either interpreting/recording was easier than I had thought, or I don't have a good idea of what I'm supposed to be doing, because I was satisfied with the recordings on my first try! Again, though the homework is somewhat overwhelming, I'm glad to be back at school and in a familiar routine.

This weekend I have been volunteering at the Deaf Center during the Western States Basketball Conference. My job is to tend the concessions table. Not inherently exciting nor busy but I've had the chance to be in the Deaf community and both talk with Deaf and see conversations between Deaf. I've noticed that I'm actually comfortable with having a casual conversation in ASL! I'm so happy that I'm starting to feel confident with my skills, though I know I still have a ton to learn. Between a workshop tomorrow and volunteering again, I don't really have a weekend again. At some point I need to be able to just sit down without any homework to do. At this rate, though, I'm guessing that will happen in May!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

College in a nutshell

I ran across a quote just now and I laughed!

"The trouble with success is that the formula is the same as the one for a nervous breakdown." - Anon

Pretty much sums up my college experiences! I can get straight As, but only with a good dose of perfectionism, stress, lack of sleep, and more stress. But hey, it's worth it. ;) (Kinda)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spring Semester 2011

Break is pretty much over! It’s hard to believe, but at the same time I am so ready for school to start again! This has been my longest break from school with no major projects since before high school and I have discovered that I do not do very well when I have nothing to do! I need activity and to-do lists and a schedule and rhythm. Starting tomorrow I’ll have that back. :)

These are the classes I’m taking this spring:

ASLI 1400 - Cross-cultural interpreting

ASLI 1420 - Consecutive interpreting

ASLI 1430 - Linguistics

ASLI 2020 - Intermediate ASL II (language class)

ASLI 2300 - Conversation II

It adds up to 15 credits. No, that’s not a typo! I had the option of taking Conversation II either this semester or this fall. After working out the rest of my schedule and looking at some of my long term goals earlier this week, I decided to take Conversation II this semester. Am I crazy to take this many intense credits? Maybe. But, what would a semester be without an 8 am class? I’ve had one (or two) 8 am days every semester so far, and it almost seemed traitorous to my morning-person self to not have to get up at 6 o’clock on any given school day. So here I am, with an insane schedule, one for which I will need to get to bed before 11 pm. :P

Overall, I’m really happy with the morning ITP schedule. I have classes back-to-back MWF and a half-hour break on TR. This is exactly what I had fall semester... but I then had a two hour break before my interpreting lab, then a two hour interpreting lab. This semester I still have a two hour lab, but no two hour break! That makes me happy, because I’m a fan of not being at school until 4 pm. I also start each day earlier. 9 am MW, 8:30 am TR then the already mentioned 8 am morning on F. I might be complaining about this come April, but now I’m really happy I can go to school, and be done with school early each day.

I think have all my books, purchased a fresh notebook, I just need to scratch some sharpie off two folders and relabel them for this semester’s classes. I’m so excited to start this next portion of my journey to my dream!