Saturday, October 9, 2010

TLR = trouble

Right now I'm working on completing my target language retell, the second to last step in an 11 step analysis process that we're doing for one 4 minute video clip. The topic is "your child's first dentist visit" and I am thoroughly tired of everything dentist related! This particular assignment seemed to be easy as all I needed to do was retell the story (that we saw in ASL) in English. I don't need to actually interpret it (yet) and I get to do it at home which means I have as many tries as I need to get it done the way I want it done.

Well, I think I'm on take nine or ten right now and I can't get past the first 30 seconds. I don't know what it is with this one project but I keep messing up. With my speech and debate background I would have assumed I could do this in one shot, not unlike an impromptu speech. But it's not working out that way. At all. Maybe this is my perfectionist side coming out?

I have to have this done by Monday at 10. I'm hoping something clicks and I'm able to retell this story that I have practically memorized by now!

The good news is that I finished Tuesday's main homework assignment earlier today. :)

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