Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I passed!

It's amazing what checking one's e-mail can bring. Tales of sorrow, tales of joy, random forwards, scheduling items, or even spam.

When I checked my e-mail upon arriving home from school today, I found the second! I passed the state written certification test!!! Admittedly, I passed by the skin of my teeth and out of the 3 other classmates who have told me their scores, mine is by far the lowest. However, passing is still passing, so I'll set my pride on the shelf and rejoice that God let me achieve this milestone on my way to becoming an interpreter.

Passing this test does not make me certified. Passing this test simply allows me to take the performance test for level one state certification. I won't be ready to take that test for probably a year. After the level one performance test I then have 4 years to pass the level two performance test, or lose my certification. So the written test is just a small step, but a significant step nonetheless.

I also had my last interpreting lab today. It was frustrating as I felt I was singled out and my interpretation was picked to pieces while others were just given a few pieces of advice... but then my lab teacher spent some time with me after class was over and helped me get the right perspective on feedback and encouraged me by telling me that she knows I have the skills to improve.

One more day of classes. Hard to believe we're so close to being done!

End of the semester countdown: 7 days

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