Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Odd days

Yesterday I was driving to the credit union when I looked at the clock and thought "crud, they're closed." It was 1:30, but I had momentarily convinced myself it was Saturday. Later last night I freaked out because I forgot to go to the library, which needs to be done every Tuesday. Once I realized that I was still living Monday, I calmed down. Then I laughed at myself. I hadn't realized how reliant I have become on the rhythm of school days to keep me on track as to which day it is. Today I also thought for a minute that it was Saturday as I hadn't gone to school.

Finals week is a lot of pressure, but is also a lot of sitting around and waiting for something to happen. I finished signing stories 4 yesterday, then did my unit 20 video today and so I'm done except for my 1220 final tomorrow morning. I've pretty much just ran errands and cleaned the rest of the day. Tomorrow morning will likely feel the same... I don't need to leave for my final until 11:00 and really have zero to do until then. Yes, I can study, but I can only read the review sheet so many times before my head explodes. I feel I know most of the material. At the same time, I feel like I have so many things to remember... my paper and flash drive, my book I'm selling back, my pencil and eraser, the card for our teacher, etc.

Today has seriously dragged. Which is very odd. It feels like Wednesday. Which is even weirder as Wednesday has been my crazy day this semester and I certainly haven't been at school for 6 hours today nor did I have my Wednesday babysitting job. Maybe it's because I thought yesterday was Tuesday? I just want my days back! Ahh!

On the bright side, I purchased all my books for next semester today! A girl who is just finishing 2nd semester contacted me and asked if I wanted to buy her books. Of course I did! They wound up costing me slightly more than half of what I would have expected to pay at the bookstore, and she got more for them than she would if she had resold them. I was planning to get them tomorrow when I'm on campus for the last time this semester, but I guess I can cross that item off my to-do list!

Off to try to sleep in preparation for tomorrow's final. I'm not tired, really, so this should be interesting.

End of semester countdown: 17 hours.

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