Monday, November 8, 2010


Our third cognitive processing test was this morning and I am so glad to have it over! CPT 3 was short and sweet, we actually got out of class about 10 minutes early this time as opposed to the last CPT which wound up taking almost two class periods. I *think* I did better on this one than the last one... but again, I have to wait for grades to come back.

CPT 3 focused on paraphrasing skills. For the first part of the test, we received a list of 5 words then had 60 seconds to write a more general and more specific word for each of the original words. There were two columns on the paper, one for the more specific word and one for the more general word, but I kept getting them mixed up! I finished two words, then looked down and realized my specific word was under the "general" heading and vise versa. I think I mixed up 7 out of the 10 words. Talk about increased stress level! The rest of the test had us mostly working with full sentences.

Only one more processing test left to go for the semester. I'm very thankful we don't have more than that! These tests are hard.

I'm on pins and needles right now with regard to my grade in the C&DA class. Our teacher hasn't graded stuff for that class for a while and right now the various papers and tests we have turned in, but which haven't been graded yet, constitute about 15% of our grade, unweighted. I'm checking engrade multiple times a day at this point. Yay for being a perfectionist/OCD about my grades? :P

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