Friday, November 26, 2010

Second SL retell

Remember my post a while ago about my TL retell and how frustrating it was? Well, as we're doing our second discourse analysis, I get to do another TL retell... but first I have to do a SL retell. Because the last clip went from ASL to English, the TL retell for that one was in English. This clip goes from English to ASL so the SL retell is in English.

Anyway, I sat down to do my English retell and this time instead of trying to script and nearly memorize the whole thing before, I simply used my content map and impromptued it. Guess what? I practiced twice and recorded once! That's all it took! I'm pleased with how I did and just hope I managed to include everything. So now I am moving on to the next two steps, the TL salient linguistic features and the visualization map.

Let me say... I *hate* the visualization map. I have to essentially write the clip in pictures. No words allowed. It's like a storyboard for the lecture we watched. I am sooo not an art person, nor do I think artistically. The last one I did on the computer, which was a pain in the neck, and I will probably wind up doing this one on the computer as well simply because I can't draw. So, I'm putting this assignment off and instead working the TL salient linguistic features first even though they're both due the same day. I'll start working on it after I finish this post and my IM conversation, that is. ;)

State test countdown: 1 week from this morning! :freaks out:

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