Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tests and stress

It seems like this is the season for midterms. Though we're past the middle of the semester, we are facing one test after another.

Last Friday was a written mid-term in 1220 (Cognition and Discourse Analysis). It was primarily questions regarding jargon words and terms, and things we're learning in "That's Not What I Meant" (amazing, book, btw). It was a killer, but I studied hard and felt I did well. We'll see when the grades come back though.

Today (Tuesday) was our second test in 1200 (Intro to Interpreting) and that one was nicer as it was multiple choice rather than short answer. Again, I think I did okay on all 40 questions though the two I missed on the last test were on this one again and I couldn't remember the correct answer for one of them! Nothing like staring at a page, knowing that you answered wrong last time, but being unable to recall the proper answer. I erased my answer twice before settling on what I hope was the right choice!

Tomorrow we have a written test in 2010 that was supposed to be today as well, but got postponed. It should't be that big of a deal, but I'm still stressing. Tomorrow I also get my personal evaluation from Connie regarding how I'm doing in 1220 (and probably a bit of overlap to the program in general). Though I can't study for this, nor can I change anything she is going to say, it is still somewhat nerve wracking to know that your professor for three of your classes is going to tell you if you, so far, have what it takes to succeed in your career of choice. I guess I should realize how blessed I am to have that individual attention and feedback and rest in the knowledge that this isn't in my hands, but God's. Ah, it's so hard to keep the right perspective about school work!

Monday we have our third (out of four) processing test. These tests define the word "hard." They are a combination of receptive, expressive, and processing skills. In other words, can you sign? Can you read sign? Can you remember sign? Can you remember English? You think you can? Awesome, now go do three of those at the same time. The last test of this nature which we took currently has the honor of being the lowest score I have ever received on any college assignment or test. I'm hoping it keeps that honor. Permanently.

I also have a video or two for 2010 which are due at the end of the semester that I really should be working on now.

Ah, perhaps this is the reason for my mental and emotional breakdowns when faced with my homework to-do list? It also seems that when it rains, it pours, and my responsibilities at debate club are also exponentially increasing along with the school stuff. :deep breath:

6.5 weeks to go in the semester. I think I can do this!

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