Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Well, today is my first snow day! Being homeschooled until my senior year of high school meant that snow days were non-existent. But here I am, in my second year of college, at home on a school day. I'm not really that thrilled though, we have so much we need to cover in our classes between now and the end of the semester that I would rather be at school. Oh well.

I feel like we have so much to do, and so little time in which to do it, but we can't really get going. Today is a snow day, then the rest of the weekend we're off for Thanksgiving. We have next weekend, then a Friday off on the 10th. It adds up to this: 11 days of school (days I go in to take finals included) in the next three weeks. And really I'm only going to school ten of those days because I'm skipping school to take the state test. Seriously? I'd rather have ten days of school in the next two weeks and just finish everything. Again, oh well. I'm not the one who sets the schedule.

Yesterday we took a test in 1200 leading up to the state test in a week and a half. I was nowhere near as prepared for it as I thought I was! I'm not really looking forward to getting the grades back. I also turned in three papers. Yay for handing in 10% of my grade in one day?

I have a minimum of five more videos to record in the next three weeks, possibly more. My goal is to get three of them done between now and Monday. One today, one Friday and one Sunday sounds doable. I also have my last (!!) processing test on Monday and my last test in 1200 a week from tomorrow.

We are in the middle of our second discourse analysis in 1220. We've done the prediction, watched the clip, done the review, content map, one sentence summary, abstraction and most of the source language salient linguistic features. Up next is the source language retell, the target language salient linguistic features, visualization map, the target language retell and then the interpretation!

BTW, source language means the language that the message is originally given in and target language is the language into which the message is interpreted. For this analysis SL is English and TL is ASL.

This semester feels like it's gone by so quickly. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was introducing myself to my classes?

State test countdown: 9 days. (Ohmyword!)

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