Saturday, November 13, 2010

The final push

I feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff, teetering, about to be pushed off. Or rather, I've just been pushed off and I'm free falling, not exactly sure what I'm going to encounter at the bottom. The bottom is the end of the semester. December 16th marks the last possible day I have a final, so that's what I'm counting towards. I do know that the air on the way down is filled with homework. Lots and lots of homework.

We just started our second discourse analysis in CD&A. We received our topic yesterday, our prediction papers are due Monday when we will also view the clip (in English this time). We'll do our recall in class on Monday as well, then Wednesday our content maps and one sentence summary are due. The rest of the semester continues at the same pace. And that's only one class! The date I'm looking forward to passing is Tues the 23rd when we have two thought question sets, one portfolio paper and a test due. All in the same class. Thankfully the work for conversations class is over, as minimal as that was. However, I'm going to guess that homework in our language class will ramp up as we're probably only halfway through the material we need to cover this semester.

This is when I'm thankful I don't work outside the house!

Last night the ASL club at my school held a potluck and I went. There weren't many people in attendance, but it was fun to hang out nonetheless. I met a Deaf Olympian there and had an interesting time trying to figure out when he was teasing and when he was not. The dynamics were interesting as we had many different skill levels of signing represented!

Time to hit the homework. My priorities today are my 5 year development plan (which I'm rather clueless on how to write) and the script for my next Deaf activity video (insert stress).

State test countdown: 20 days

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